That’s me.

I promised you feelings and bad words today. I considered simply posting a list of every bad word I could type in 60 seconds, but I’m not up for the resulting spam.

The thing is, I wrote this long, feeling-y post and it needs to be edited. It really, really needs to be edited. I wrote it and I don’t understand parts of it. Because you know what? Feelings are hard. They don’t make any sense, and that’s why I generally shy away from them these days. I shy away on the blog, that is. In real life I go beyond shy, and stuff those pesky feelings way down and don’t let them out. Ever.

When will somebody invent a sarcasm font?

Of course I have feelings and I try to acknowledge them. Except for when it might make someone else cry, because I am a sympathetic crier. You cry, I cry, we all cry in our ice cream. Or something like that.

So anyway… I do have this story to tell, and because I believe there is a point to the story I will tell it here on the blog. But not today, because I may have:

A) Been very busy for the last few days doing altruistic and productive things; or

B) Lost my original draft/let the dog eat it/had a really late practice and I’m sure coach will tell you that’s the truth/every homework excuse ever, so I didn’t have time to edit; or

C) Squandered my editing time today doing this…

Instead of feelings, I have excuses. Or do I have feelings about my excuses? Or should I ask you to excuse my lack of feelings?

I wonder…

:: Do you zone out while your kids watch TV? Mine were supposed to be getting their daily allotment of screen time while I got some work done, when many minutes and many ounces of coffee later I realized I was still sitting there. In my defense, my kids are super cuddly, and Phineas and Ferb is funny.
