After my five year old’s well check today we went for treats. Shots always equal treats.

He took that shot like a man. You know, a lot of dramatic anticipation and some subtle tears, shrouded in a tough guy act. But even had he melted down at shot time, we would have gone for treats. Because that’s what you do.

And because throughout the entire exam he was a perfect gentleman. He acted like an actual person. In the day-to-day grind of “I don’t want to” and “you’re the meanest mommy” and “he hit me first and took that toy and why can’t I sit there,” it’s easy to forget that our kids are people.

As H talked to the doctor today, politely answering questions and following directions, my pride puffed a little. I thought, Forget getting a treat, singular, that small person could talk me into a dozen cookies or an ice cream parlor.

Thankfully he didn’t ask for a Ben & Jerry’s franchise. I’m not prepared for a full time scoop shop job.

Instead we went to Central Market and picked up a couple of peanut butter cookies, a coffee for me, and a pro-biotic shake for H.

On the way home H talked wistfully about how super good and dee-licious his cookie was.

“I love peanut butter cookies, Mom.”

“Me, too. They’re one of my favorites.”

“But I like them more than you do, Mom. Go ahead, tell me the number you like them, like a number for how much they’re your favorite, and I bet you that I like them more.”

“Um, I haven’t assigned them a number, buddy. I just like them.”

“But I thought you said they were your favorite, and how can that be if you don’t know the number? Like are they your number 1 favorite or your number 20 favorite?”

“Bud, I just can’t answer that.”

And here’s where I think I’m going to seize a Mom Moment, what with him acting like a real person today. Here’s where I decide to share some deep, philosophical thinking with my five year old.

I think I know my audience. And it’s time to wow that audience.

We drive, and I talk. I talk about how our tastes grow and change with us. I explain that when I was his age I hated fish, but now I love it. H is so quiet in the back seat, I assume he’s listening, nodding with all the wisdom of his five years.

I go for the big closer.

“That’s one of the best things about life, H. You grow, you change, you learn new things. Today peanut butter cookies are your favorite, but one day it might be oatmeal chocolate chip. It’s a big world. Don’t be afraid to change your mind and try new things.”


“H-man, what do you think? Isn’t it exciting that there are always new things to try?”

A mumbled uh, a beat of silence and finally, he speaks.

“Hey mom, that is crazy.”

This is where I think I’ve nailed it. I’ve imparted some words to live by. Who knows her audience, baby?

“My tongue got caught in my pro-bionic drink. It was awesome!”

I wonder…

:: When’s the last time you had a conversation with your kids only to realize you were sharing a Deep Thoughts moment with yourself?

:: Do you take your kids for treats after well checks?

:: What’s your favorite cookie?
