I’m a mom and I get to be Mom full time. It’s a privilege and a blessing, and I appreciate this opportunity every day. Some days I only appreciate it for a brief moment, when the kids are asleep, but I do appreciate it every day.

I would be a big, fat liar if I told you that motherhood fulfills me every day in every way. I think motherhood is a noble calling, and no matter how you slice it – if you’re at home full time, working outside the home, working from home, working full time, part time, or some combo of all of the above – mothering is still your primary, full-time job.

As with any job, though, it’s only a piece of the whole. I have other aspirations, some that I’ll put on hold until my kids are older, some that I am working on now. Having dreams and goals is really important to me. Being a mother informs everything I do, but it’s not the only facet of my life informing my decisions. I’m multi-faceted, people!

God willing, I’ll be around LONG after my children have grown up (I really pray that’s the case, because I want to live long enough to annoy and embarrass them on a regular basis. For many years. It’s only fair.). I don’t want to wake up one day to an empty house and no idea what to do with myself. So I will continue to plug away at my goals in whatever quantity and quality that I can squeeze in between diaper changes, car pools and baby snuggles. I will continue to fantasize about my dream jobs. The line between fantasy and reality is fuzzy, at best, and I’m going to be ready should they ever blur completely.

I wonder, what’s your dream job? Do you already have your dream job, and if so, how did you achieve it? Still not quite sure? What steps are you taking to get there?

Read about my crazy ideas, below, and then tell me what you want to be when you grow up.

My number one dream job shifts depending on which day you ask me (I’m not deterred in the least that nobody has, in fact, asked me). I realize that some of these could become reality if I decided to work really hard at achieving a particular goal. I also realize that some of these are delusional-to-the-point-of-needing-meds. I’ll let you come to your own conclusions about which ones fall into which category.

In alphabetical order, because that seems to be the most fair and balanced approach:

Broadway Star

Humor Columnist



Olympic Swimmer

Physical Therapist

Radio DJ

Television Historian

Television Writer, circa 1950-1978. I’m talking Sid Caesar’s Your Show of Shows; or hanging out with Rob, Buddy & Sally on the Dick Van Dyke Show (Don’t call in the meds yet. I do know it was not a documentary & that Rob, Buddy & Sally are merely characters – I just want a job like theirs); or The Carol Burnett Show.

Television Writer, circa today

TV Blogger, a la Kristin Dos Santos

Um, yeah, so I have an obsession with television, apparently. Even I wasn’t completely aware of how severe an obsession until just now.
