by Missy Stevens | Whatever
What’s going on at your house for the weekend? At ours, we’re going with festivity, and also squeezing in some of the stuff – that detail stuff of life that cannot be avoided. Visits to Santa, family gatherings, a birthday party and more, are all on...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
Me? Wordless? Exactly. This was supposed to be my first Wordless Wednesday post ever, but I couldn’t do it. And so, coming up: some words. I had a little trouble motivating myself to decorate this year, but the spirit of the season finally caught up with me last...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
By now you’ve likely read a few (hundred) Christmas card-related posts. Settle in and get ready to read another one! I’m late to the party, but my outfit is cute and I’ve practiced my witty conversation, so I’m sure this post will be worth your...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
Blogroll Schmogroll almost got lost in the Thanksgiving hullabaloo this month. Speaking of hullabaloo, my four year old insists that it’s hangamaroo. Not hullabaloo. He refuses to accept that I might – just might – know what I’m talking about....
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
Oh, do I love Christmas. The trees! The lights! The cheesy Lifetime movies! All of it. Just not yet. For the love of all that is magical about this season, turn off your Christmas lights and stop playing your Charley Pride Christmas in My Hometown album. Now. (Yes, I...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
And possibly my shortest post ever. Don’t sound too happy about that; I might take it personally. I see hilarious posts out there where people highlight some of their crazy spam. This is not one of those posts. My borderline-OCD tendencies mean that I cannot...