Me? Wordless?


This was supposed to be my first Wordless Wednesday post ever, but I couldn’t do it. And so, coming up: some words.

I had a little trouble motivating myself to decorate this year, but the spirit of the season finally caught up with me last weekend. We got the outside lights finished, and all of the inside decorations unpacked and placed. We popped popcorn, made hot chocolate for H, and got the kitchen tree, where the kids’ artwork hangs, up and decorated in no time.

A picture of H decorating the tree

H, working on the kitchen tree, where we hang all of the kids' creations.

A picture of the little tree.

Our Kitchen Tree.

With the kitchen tree done, it was time to decorate the big tree. And this happened.

A picture of our broken Christmas tree.

This is not working for me. Picky, picky.

Then some of this happened.

Medicinal use.

Mark, my very useful and talented live-in handyman, fixed the lights. So we started to decorate.

It's a German tradition to hide a pickle ornament on the tree.

Regarding that pickle, by the way: in our family, the adults participate in this tradition solely because it provides them an opportunity to say, “Wanna play hide the pickle?”

The pickle and most of our other ornaments were on the tree when guess what? Yep. Dark again. I didn’t take another sad, dark, half-decorated tree picture because who wants to see that?

Today we’re calling the tree hotline. Apparently this is a “known issue” in Costco trees. Wish I had known about the issue before buying.

In fairness, the tree gave us two and half good years. This light issue happened once last year, but we jiggled the cords and like magic, all was good. This year, no amount of jiggling works.

I wonder…

:: Do you have a tree fail story?

:: If we can’t fix the tree, do I take off all the ornaments and re-decorate a new tree or do we just rock the half-lit tree this year? The thought of starting over is not exactly Christmas spirit-inducing.

*** An Update ***

The good news: Our tree is under warranty and we actually sent in the warranty card (a Christmas miracle, right there).

The bad news: The free fix involves us dismantling the top section of our tree, taking out that entire section of lights, and redoing it ourselves with a new section’s worth of lights, provided by the manufacturer. The thing is, I bought a pre-lit tree so I don’t have to string lights.

Hmph. On the one hand, yes, they offered a solution to our problem and it’s not costing us a thing. On the other hand, I think this solution stinks. My options, according to Costco’s tree manufacturer, are to a) live with a dark tree (and I’m with the Chalupa here – see her comment below), or to b) spend valuable, limited holiday time restringing my pre-lit tree.

Am I being ungrateful? Should I just get over it?
