I Love to Read and I Hate Stomach Bugs

I Love to Read and I Hate Stomach Bugs

There is content in this post. To get to it, you have to make your way through this over-sized picture of the books on my bedside table. {I know! The books on my bedside table! Things around here just get more fascinating every day, don’t they?} Add this to the...
Goodbye, TV

Goodbye, TV

I feel a bit lightheaded and at odds with myself. My dear friend, the television, is taking a forced leave of absence. Granted, this was all my idea and the TV is just going along with my wishes, but still. It hurts. I don’t – I swear – watch that...
Goodbye, TV

Newsy News

I have an announcement. I am not pregnant. Admit it, that was your first thought. But there are no babies cooking over here. Some time ago I mentioned that I was going back to work. And then I never mentioned it again. So now, finally (the not knowing has been killing...
Goodbye, TV

The Story of Us, A Girl and Her Blog

♫ Love and blogging, love and blogging. Go together like thieves and flogging. This, I tell you blogger mama, You can’t have one with otha’. ♫ {Why I’m Not a Songwriter: Exhibit A.} Blogging is a lot like love and marriage, though. I explain: It’s Love at First Sight...