Disclaimer: This picture has nothing to do with this post. But I like it, so I'm sharing. It's two of my favorite guys, in one of my favorite places: the Oregon coastline.

I was not planning to post today.*

But I need to. I need to grovel and plead and generally embarrass myself further. I can hear someone like Mr. Unmarketing say something along the lines of if you can’t move people to do something then you’re a lousy blogger and should just cash it in. Well, maybe I’m a lousy blogger.

But I am not cashing it in. First, it doesn’t appear I’d get much in the way of ROI right now. Second, I like blogging here. Period.

The point is, a couple weeks ago I wrote this post. I realize that the prize(s) are not a new Coach bag or a great pair of sunglasses or a cute photo book. But they are still good prizes. No? So I’m asking this: Take another look at the post and leave a comment?

You have two options for commenting, and both are easy. I promise.

  1. Just leave a comment. You can tell me what you ate for lunch, or what color panties you’re wearing. Tell me anything. Every comment is $1 for charity.
  2. You can open a GiveBack account (or tell me if you already have one), tell me YOUR favorite charity, and then you’ll be entered to win $50 for your charity.

That’s it. And I’ll just say Thank You now, because you’re all awesome.


As for the * up there. In the first sentence. See it? I’ve been operating on a blog only when you have something to say system, and it turns out I have about two things to say every week. Does that work for you guys? Are you annoyed there aren’t more posts here or are you glad your inbox/reader has one less post in it some days?

Just curious. I would love your thoughts on posting frequency and what you would like to see here. Because me? I’m here for you.


Writing here is often cathartic and nearly always fun, so sure, I get something from it. But over the last year, it’s you guys – the kind people who stop by to read – who keep me coming back. I know I always say I’ll keep writing even if nobody reads (and I will, so the joke’s on you, non-reading people); but I’d like you to get something out of the expereince, too.

I’m wondering…

  • Do you want more posts or is the current (in)frequency okay?
  • What are your favorite kinds of posts? {This one, for example, made me laugh, but I’m guessing it was either A) Too long (my wordiness is a known issue, but sometimes I can’t control myself) or B) I was the only one laughing and everyone else thought it stunk or C) I’m the only loser watching way too much USA programming.}

Again, I say thank you. I appreciate your feedback.

Have a great weekend. And once you’ve answered my posting-related questions,  go comment on the GiveBack post, okay? Or you can go there first and then come back to this post. It’s really up to you.
