How Summer Started, Or Didn’t, Or Something

How Summer Started, Or Didn’t, Or Something

I feel the need to write something here, but all of my good somethings are still bad. They’re unfinished, at any rate. Here’s the deal. Once my head cleared after this, summer started. Did you know the schools are very firm on that last day? No wiggle room...
My Son, The Hip Hop Mogul in the Making

My Son, The Hip Hop Mogul in the Making

We sing a lot at our house. Badly. That’s not entirely accurate; Mark is musically inclined. He can play the guitar and carry a tune. I cannot. But I am not deterred by my inabilities. What I lack in musical skill, I make up for in killer lyrics. I’m a...
The Search, Revisited

The Search, Revisited

Today’s post is from the archives. In honor of the holiday weekend, here is a piece I wrote right after Easter last year. *** I watched you search. In turns, you tried different tactics. You stood in one place, glancing in all directions, unable to decide where...


I’m not sure what happened. I went to sleep in 2006 and woke up in 2012 (or actually, I haven’t slept much at all since 2006, so perhaps that makes the question moot and explains my surprise at the passing of time?). My firstborn turned six this month....
My Son, The Hip Hop Mogul in the Making

You’re Not the Boss of My Imagination

Last week Meemo came to live with us. I don’t actually know if that’s how you spell his name, but since Meemo is P.’s imaginary friend, and P. cannot spell, I’m making an educated guess. Meemo is, and I quote, “A very tiny tiger. He wears tiny...