It Only Takes A Moment

It Only Takes A Moment

It’s been busy here lately, and rather than blog utter crap I haven’t blogged at all. Today, though, I felt like blogging even though I’m not sure what I have to say. Lucky you (or not). We’ll find out together whether there’s a story...
It Only Takes A Moment

Vegetarian Veterinarians

The other day Mark and I tried to have a conversation in the car. Mistake number one. We were talking about an article, or maybe a show? I don’t remember. It was something we saw or read or heard somewhere about health, specifically cancer risks. This show, or...
It Only Takes A Moment

Conflicted Emotions

That whiny you-know-what is never happy. That’s what I imagine people are thinking after spending time with me. Or reading my blog. Here’s a for example: The preschool sent home enrollment forms for the 2011-2012 school year last week. And I cried. Not a...
All That Art: An AboutOne Miracle

All That Art: An AboutOne Miracle

See that, up there? It’s a little glimpse into my personal shame. My child’s lovingly created art is all stashed in a pile, inside one of our kitchen cabinets. Alright, alright. I’m not being 100% honest. The truth of the matter is that H is not much...
It Only Takes A Moment

Insane in the Membrane

My oldest went on a Father-Son Camp Out with Dad over the weekend. They came home incredibly happy after all that bonding, but also filthy and exhausted. Apparently there was very little sleeping, but there was an abundance of playing in the dirt and seeing what...