3 Things For Mom (a Guest Post)

3 Things For Mom (a Guest Post)

Do not call your eye doctor; you are seeing a second post this week. Wonders never cease. Today, I’m guest posting at 3 Things for Mom, a blog so cool I wish I’d thought of it. Every day features a different writer sharing a truth, a tip, and a find for...
The Worst Thing You Can Say (To Yourself)

The Worst Thing You Can Say (To Yourself)

I can’t, he said. I’m the worst one, he complained. Why do I have to do this? he asked. Thanks to my many – many – years of life, and due to objectivity only slightly marred by Mommy Goggles, I know he’s wrong about being the worst. But I also know...
Race Report, Sort Of

Race Report, Sort Of

I realize I’ve whined a lot about the course, and friends, it was hard for a first-timer. But here’s the thing (there’s always a thing): I did it, I feel amazing, aside from mild soreness, and I’m ready to go back for more. I’m ready, even if more means another round with that infernal golf course.

Countdown to ZOOMA

Countdown to ZOOMA

In a little less than 120 hours, I will be a half marathon finisher. Even if it kills me, and based on the symphony of aches and pains I have right now it just might kill me, I will run/walk/crawl 13.1 miles on Saturday, March 23 at ZOOMA Texas. When I started this...
Blogging, Old School

Blogging, Old School

The Blog Blahs are a real thing. Truth: everything that once seemed fun will, at some point, feel like a grind. Bloggers begin questioning what to do with their piece of the web, a practice that, unchecked, leads to questioning the purpose of life. Not really. Or at...