by Missy Stevens | Whatever
To all my Twitter holdouts, let me just say I understand your lack of interest in this post. I used to roll my eyes when people talked about Twitter. But then I saw the error of my ways. All I can do is pray that you, too, will one day join me in the virtual hug that...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
There’s a lot I do not understand about the world. For the most part, however, I’m okay with not understanding. There’s only so much space in my brain, and I’m pretty sure it’s been at capacity since around the seventh grade. I’m...
by Missy Stevens | Family
My oldest went on a Father-Son Camp Out with Dad over the weekend. They came home incredibly happy after all that bonding, but also filthy and exhausted. Apparently there was very little sleeping, but there was an abundance of playing in the dirt and seeing what...
by Missy Stevens | Family
Motherhood is impossible. Why didn’t anyone tell me that? Why didn’t anyone sit me down and tell me that no matter what I do, it will feel like either too much, or not enough. There’s an extreme Goldilocks syndrome in this business. But the kicker?...
by Missy Stevens | Whatever
My birthday* is later this month, and if 17-year-old me had known that 37-year-old me would be A) blogging and B) blogging about white distilled vinegar, 17-year-old me would have first rolled her eyes, as she was an eye-rolling-professional. And then she would have...