There’s a lot I do not understand about the world.

For the most part, however, I’m okay with not understanding. There’s only so much space in my brain, and I’m pretty sure it’s been at capacity since around the seventh grade. I’m good with allowing mysteries to remain mysterious.

This attitude more than adequately explains why I have a practically unused news-editorial journalism minor tacked onto my B.A. degree. I make a terrible journalist. A key aspect of that job is a willingness to ask, pester, natter and ask some more until you get answers. Meh. You have no comment? Alrighty then.

Today, this all changes. Today, I demand some answers.

Why, in the name of all that is absorbent, must paper product companies use so much glue to stick down that first sheet?

I wish I had photographed my recent attempt to open a new roll of paper towels, but I was so exhausted by the whole thing that all I could do was sit and shake my fist at the Paper Product Powers-That-Be. If I had managed to capture a photo, it would have shown:

– A mangled roll of Bounty, caked so heavily with glue that I had to shred through half the roll (okay, okay – three or four layers) to get to a glue-free sheet.

– Me, brow damp with sweat, mascara smudged, slumped against the counter, surrounded by shreds of adhesive-caked paper towels.

And then there’s toilet paper. A necessary item, yes?

If you’re a parent, chances are that bathroom breaks at your house are a race against the clock. You have only so long before unattended children cobble together an unstable climbing apparatus so they can reach the fish bowl and fill it with LEGO DUPLO people.

The last thing you need is to discover that of course your husband used the last square, so you now have to spend precious minutes ripping and clawing to start that new roll a-rolling.

Maybe I’m weird (no need to clarify for me, okay?), but time sensitivity aside, I’m just plain opposed to using the gluey pieces. And since the adhesive is apparently applied with a spackling knife, I have to unroll two or three complete layers before I reach usable TP. Wasteful, I tell you.

I assume the glue is used primarily to keep the rolls together in the packaging process. So is this much glue necessary? Wouldn’t a small dab serve the same purpose?

Stay tuned for future editions of Household Products Gone Wrong, when I discuss all the dried bits of milk that flake off the gallon jug every time it’s opened.*

I wonder…

:: Are there any household items that make you crazy?

:: Do you start to panic when you realize that the children have not followed you into the bathroom? In my house that means someone is up to no good.

*I’m not really making this a regular feature or anything. I can’t promise that I won’t write a post about dried milk bits, though.


Some fun housekeeping… Coupon Giveaway Winners!!

Remember this post? Two of you fabulous, commenting people have won coupons for Purex Complete CrystalsTM Softener!

I know there is such a thing as a random number generator to help pick winners, but we did this the old fashioned way at my house. My handsome assistant, H, drew two winners out of a hat. A fireman’s hat, specifically. I did document the process, so here, without further ado, are the winners:

A picture of H, shuffling the numbers for our drawing.

The Shuffle.

The first winning number is drawn.

And the first winner is... Commenter #1, Gigi from KludgyMom!

The second winning number is drawn.

And the second winner is... Commenter #8, Maggie!
