So how was Thanksgiving at your house? Good? Good. I had so much fun – and so much butter – that I’m in a stupor today. Turns out that three-plus days of family and four-plus days of Thanksgiving food equals blergh. But it’s the best kind of blergh there is.

Yes, there is good blergh. If I have to explain it to you, there’s no way you’ll ever understand. So let’s not up the word count with the various levels of blerghness. Also, I will not use that word again in this post. Cross my heart.

Instead, I’m going to up the word count with this:


Stuff I’m Already Sick Of And It’s Not Even December, Folks


Elf on the Shelf

Bingle, just hanging around.

:: Tweets and status updates and posts about why you do or do not love the Elf on The Shelf.  You can spend a month or so each year moving the little guy (or gal) around your house, or not.  It’s Christmas, darn it. Be happy and have fun, with or without elves. But no more elf rants, pro or anti, please. (Full disclosure: Of course I’ve posted about our elf before. Twice. And yes, I bore even myself. I’m usually completely entertained by me – and fully aware that I’m likely the only person feeling that way – but sometimes I find myself tedious. It happens.)

:: Tweets and status updates and posts about Santa being a lie. Yep, he’s kind of a lie, but the feelings and spirit behind him are 100% genuine (at least in my house). We have our way of handling the jolly man in the red suit, you have yours. I know how I plan to handle the reality of Santa with my kids – when the time comes. I’m bored with the attempts to guilt people into nixing the iconic fat man.

:: Speaking of Santa’s weight… I’m okay with Santa being an overweight smoker. Do not take away his vices. The man lives with elves and has to deliver toys to the entire world in one night. Puff away, dude, puff away. As long as he doesn’t smoke in my house or directly try to sell my kids tobacco products, he and I are fine.

:: Emails from retailers about the Best. Deals. Of. The. Year. I don’t believe you, retailers. And I know it’s my own fault for subscribing to your emails – and then being too lazy to unsubscribe – but still, I’m annoyed with your steady stream of in-box jamming emails.

Lest you think I’m a cranky, old hag, there is plenty about this season that I’m not sick of or annoyed by. I let you know if my status changes, but for now…

Things I Love About This Time of Year


:: Pictures of your holiday decorations. I’m a sucker for some sparkle.

:: Pictures of your adorable kids and animals wearing Santa hats and reindeer antlers. I’m a sucker for kids and pets.

:: Tweets, posts, status updates about what you’re eating. I may be the only one, but I kind of like food-related posts. I’m a sucker for, well, food. Especially holiday food. Like that was ever in question.

:: Anything poking fun at the abounding absurdity this time of year. Ridiculous ads, weird foods, bizarre products… good stuff, I tell you. One of my favorites is that lady who uses Command strips to hang all of her Christmas decorations  She raves about how Command lets you hang things anywhere, and yet, all of her decorations are off-center and randomly located. Great job, Command Lady!

:: Christmas movies. All of them, cheesy or otherwise. I may have called Dish and added on Hallmark Channel for the month of December.

I wonder…

:: What drives you nuts this time of year? Come on… there has to be something.

:: Any favorite Christmas movies? I love Scrooged, with Bill Murray. I could make a long list, but I want to hear your favorites.

