For keeping me up all night.

I started reading Bossypants last night and could not put it down. Finally, at almost one in the morning, I forced myself to stop reading.

But Tina. No, she had other plans. All night I bounced between two recurring Tina Fey dreams.

Scenario #1:

I move in with Tina, but it’s less The Odd Couple and more Single White Female. I can’t blame her. Who wouldn’t want to be me? And once, her father had a cameo. Terrifying. Nobody messes with Don Fey.

Scenario #2:

Tina calls, inviting me to come write for 30 Rock. Turns out, they’ve been desperately searching for someone to fill the gap left by Donald Glover.

In between Scenarios, I would wake sweaty and panicked, either because Tina was scaring the crap out of me in Scenario #1 or I was under a lot of pressure to finish a script in Scenario #2. Once I was in charge of picking where the writing staff would order lunch. That was more anxiety-producing than all of Scenarios #1 and #2 together.

And then there was the coughing, a remnant of the virus the children tried to murder me with back in March. That’s not Tina’s fault, though. I don’t think.

So now I’m tired. Bleary eyed. And I have that ghostly feeling of dreams that stay with you long after you wake up. No, Tina, noooooo. I will not tell you where I get my hair cut!

I have small children to take care of today; history tells me that tired mom + active children = πŸ™

So I’m adopting the attitude of medical professional.

Priority #1

First, do no harm.

Priority #2

Keep the patients alive.

Priority #3

Keep the patients occupied with (educational) television, in order to facilitate continued reading of Bossypants.


I wonder…

:: Do you ever get sucked into a good book and stay up past bedtime even though you know the next day will be ruined?

:: Are you a 30 Rock fan? (Did you catch my ode to last week’s episode?)
