Blissdom Conference ~ Nashville ~ January 26-28, 2010

I don’t usually post on Saturdays anymore. In fact, I try to unplug for most of the weekend (confession: failing miserably at that today).

The thing is, BlissDom is – as my kids would say – just four night-night sleeps away. I cannot think about much else. My every thought is about what I need to do before I leave, what I need to pack, who I can’t wait to meet (that would be everyone – going to be a very busy three days of meeting everyone), what sessions I’ll attend, and more.

Over the last couple weeks I’ve read some fantastic BlissDom-related posts about gearing up for the conference. I have absolutely nothing to add regarding logistical conference prep. I’m a novice. (If you’re looking for specifics, though, go here or here.)

As for the emotional preparations, a recurring theme in the posts I’m reading is the What If? Worries.

What if the kids get sick or hurt while I’m gone?

What if I can’t get everything organized before getting on the plane?

What if I don’t know anyone else at the conference?

What if I pack all the wrong clothes?

What if I don’t make any connections while I’m there?

I’m no different. All of these thoughts have run through my mind at some point. If I had to pick my top two worries, they would be:

1. Concern about leaving my kids.

2. Not making any connections at the conference.

Let’s discuss.

As for leaving my kids, I know – in that minuscule, rational part of my brain – that my boys will be completely fine while I’m gone. My husband is a rock star dad, and the kids will barely notice my absence. I know that everyone will be fed, clothed and loved while I’m away.

I also know that nothing will be picked up or cleaned until about one hour before I’m due to walk in the door. But that is okay. What I can’t see won’t hurt me.

So I should be able to cross this off my list of worries. A mother always worries, of course. And even though I’m giddy about some time away, I know I will fiercely miss my little dudes. All the same, I will do everything in my power to keep those knot-in-the-stomach fears at bay.

Now for the meeting, greeting, and connecting at the conference. I am not skilled at this stuff.

I’ve never polled my friends, but I suspect they would all say it takes time to get to know me. And a bit more time after that to learn to love me. I have a feeling that I come off either:

A) Overly familiar because I’m trying desperately to squash my social awkwardness by adopting a severe case of verbal diarrhea; or

B) Stand-offish, because I’m shy and nervous and afraid I’ll say something really ridiculous.

The gist of it is, I’m not great at the talking.

Don’t get me wrong, I do like to talk. I have things to say. But somewhere between my brain and my mouth, bad things happen. The words get garbled. They come out too loud or too soft. My tongue grows three sizes too large and my salivary glands go into overdrive.

It’s not pretty.

So just know this: if you meet me at BlissDom, I am genuinely thrilled to meet you. And I want to be your very best friend. Wait, there’s that overly familiar thing. But I do want to get to know you, and I really want to chat. Really. Just be patient with me. Eventually I’ll relax and stop acting like such a weirdo.

I wonder…

:: What’s your biggest concern when you go to a work function or a blog conference?

:: Are you ever socially awkward? Or…

:: Are you a whiz at the mix-and-mingle? If so, help me!
