Hello, guest writer Wednesday! This week has been one sneak attack after another; I am constantly surprised by what day it is. I realize that sounds absurd. But it is what it is. I keep adding and subtracting days at my convenience, to make the week what I want it to be. So I was surprised to find us at Wednesday, because I desperately need it to be Tuesday as I have a lot to do before Thursday morning. Anyway… The good thing about it being Wednesday? My friend, Carolyn, from Hooked and Happy is here today sharing a fantasy. Read on, you’ll be glad you did.


I don’t think I am alone. Everyone has a secret fantasy, right?

I definitely have one.

You see, as a Mom, my life is full. Very full. And often, I do all of the day-to-day grind.

I sometimes I feel –

Taken for granted.
(A simple thank-you after a meal would be “appreciated” by me.)

So, I carry around this fantasy that if I ever went away for a weekend, the house would fall to shambles and nobody would be able to function.

I *see* both the girls dressed in dirty clothes, hungry, getting into mischief, and amid piles of clutter and rubbish.

Thumper, helping herself to a beverage.

Simply put, I think my family wouldn’t be able to survive without me.

I’m not an egomaniac. I do have some confirmation my fantasy may not be far off.

On a recent business trip, my husband made a car reservation with Avis online. When he arrived at the airport, Avis couldn’t find his reservation by name. He called me to for his reservation number.

“It’s on the print-out I gave you,” I said.

“Oh,” he said. “I’ll get the sheet. Can you hold on while I show it to her?”

He placed the phone on the counter and rustled through his bag.

Then I heard, “Well here’s the problem sir. This is the Hertz line.”

He hung up.

I wonder…

:: Am I right? Would they survive without me?

:: Who else has the same fantasy?

:: Should I test this theory?

About the Writer

Carolyn can be found over at Hooked and Happy. She’s a mother to two active and lovable daughters, and loves to craft, cook, write, and drink coffee. You can subscribe to her posts in a Reader, fan her on Facebook, follow her on Twitter, and check out her boards on Pinterest.
