I swore I would never again write the Where I’ve Been and Why I Haven’t Been Here post. And so I’m not. This is not a confessional.

I am, however, saying I’m Baaaaack.

Watch out, people. We’re about to get crazy up in here. (Just trying that on for size. I can’t pull it off. You won’t see me write anything of that variety again. Promise.)

I took some time off, I gave the blog a much needed vacation. Some distance. It was fantastic, but I’m glad to be back.

Thank you to everyone who tweeted, sent DM’s, emails, texts, or accosted me at parties to ask what on earth was happening with Wonder, Friend. If I had ever seriously considered walking away (I did not), you would have made me think twice.

So. Wonder, Friend is back from vacation, and I have some pretty big news:

This Blog is Turning One!

In blog years, I qualify for an AARP membership.

It all started just over a year ago, in March, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. By April 19 I was officially blogging. There are a few earlier posts, but these two from April 19 and 20 are what I consider The Beginning:

This May Take Some Time

Commence Wondering

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we’re doing… nothing. No prizes, no giveaways, no Twitter parties.

Because I’m kind of lazy.

Instead, I’m offering my deepest gratitude:

  • To those who read.
  • To those who are my blog fodder.
  • To my loved ones who have to find out about my life via my blog. (I vow to work on my verbal communication skills and start telling you news before I write about it.)

You all have my heart. And, by extension, you’re stuck with my words.

Thank you.
