Sometimes I revisit old posts, or other pieces of writing that haven’t been published (yet), and can’t believe I’m reading my words.

How could I be that whiny? Or pitiful? Or serious?

Sometimes I wonder if I have an evil soap opera twin.

I believe her name is Edwina Sephora von Crank. Pronounced crahw´nk. Of the South Padre Island von Cranks. She wears dramatic eyeshadow, go-go boots and mini dresses. She looks awesome. But her attitude is crap.

Edwina is a sneaky little minx. You would think she’d be hard to miss in that getup, but often she hijacks my writing for several days before I figure it out. Turns out, Miss von Crank (she’s single; no man can put up with her) was here for most of March.

Once I recognized her presence, I got her a one-way ticket to Ft. Lauderdale. It is Spring Break season, after all. So it’s time for some happy, happy, joy, joy around here.

Don’t freak out; it won’t be deep or schmoopy. I’m already on antibiotics thanks to the sinus infection that my kids gave me. Yes, as a matter of fact, I do blame them. Because? It is their fault. The little petri dishes brought heaven-knows-what home from school. Then they spent a collective two weeks sneezing on, and sticking slobbery fingers in, all the openings on my face.

I don’t need to add nausea to my current indignities. We won’t get gushy, but I am, in my own way, going all Maria-von-Trapp-Singing-While-the-Nazis-Chase-Us.* We’re happy, dammit.

Here are just a few things that made me smile, laugh, cry happy tears or do that dreamy-faced-deep-sigh thing this week:

  • When P is looking for something he bends slightly from the waist, puts his arms behind him and looks in earnest – often at nothing – while sing-songing, “Where ah yoooo?” He further melts my heart by greeting people with a cheery “Heh-wo!” Like Elmer Fudd, only happier and a hell of a lot cuter.
  • H started tee ball this week and his father (my husband, if you’re keeping track of these things) is the coach. Neither one of them has had enough time to develop skills or prove to be a natural at this, but I’m still proud. Also, H got a bucket of balls, providing us with endless ball jokes. And Mark got a special coach shirt, clipboard and whistle. Be still my twisted, schoolgirl fantasy heart.
  • My azalea bushes and rose bushes that I was sure were dead due to the massive neglect they suffered during our freezes this winner, are blooming. There’s plenty of other neglected dead stuff in the yard, but the azaleas and roses are alive. They’re alive!
  • Jackson Brodie and Myron Bolitar. Two of my favorite characters are back on the page. I haven’t had my date with Myron yet, because the book, Live Wire, by Harlan Coben (love him), just came out today. By the time you read this I may be a lost cause, out with my favorite sports agent/detective. I have spent some serious time with Jackson, though, in Kate Atkinson’s latest effort, Started Early, Took My Dog. Mr. Brodie did not disappoint. He never does. Just a friendly tip: read Kate Atkinson. She’s a genius story teller and is often dark and twisty, to borrow a term from Grey’s Anatomy. I doubt you’re surprised that I prefer my stories to have an edge rather than a fluffy bunny coating.**
  • Bethenny. I love her. I cannot get through an episode without laughing out loud. Or without getting choked up. I’m not exaggerating. Bethenny cries in every episode and I am a sympathetic crier. Do not tear up in my presence. One look at your tears and mascara is running down my face. Anyway. I cannot get enough of Bethenny.

It appears that I threw another list at you. I’ve been sort of list-y lately. It’s one of my favorite ways to process information, as evidenced by the crumpled lists found in every purse, drawer and cabinet in my house. And the un-crumpled, usually unread, variety of lists located on my computers and iPhone.

Lists: another thing that makes me happy. I didn’t say they make me productive. Just happy.

I wonder…

:: What brings you joy?

:: What made you happy this week?

:: :: ::

* Maria and I share a birthday, by the way. That means something, I’m sure.

** Gross. Coated in bunnies? Sorry about that mental image.

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P.S. – If the font size is really small on your screen, I’m sorry. I’m experiencing format issues, and I have no idea what’s going on. It’s over my bow, as we said in the 80s. And by we, I mean my mother. And by the 80s, I mean she still says that.
