Toilet paper. We all use it. (If you don’t, please don’t tell me about it.)

The rest of you, however, use the stuff. And most of you have probably seen it advertised. I suspect that you have thoughts and opinions; I suspect that you were just thinking, Gee, if only I had the kind of friend I could talk TP with…

So come on, join me In The Powder Room today!

Read Me In the Powder Room!
Please send your friends over, too. I bet they also use toilet paper, because you have good friends who are not Anti Proper Bathroom Hygiene (those APBH weirdos).

Psssttt… Sorry, I hate it when people pssst me. I apologize. How about a P.S. instead?

P.S. – Before you leave the Powder Room, take a look around, maybe order a copy of the best-selling book, You Have Lipstick on Your Teeth. Thanks for reading!
