How on earth is it Wednesday again? The week was a blur of two sick kids, followed by sick me, followed by a whole lot of other life stuff. And here we are! But thank goodness for Wednesdays, I say, because they bring… guest posts. 

Today’s guest is Christina, from A Closet Writer. Christina is one of my first blog friends and I’m honored that she’s also my real life friend. She’s the brains and the heart behind Austin Bloggers, our local networking and girls night out group, and a social media rockstar. Christina has two gorgeous kids, but one of them is making her feel a bit crazy right now. Read on…


No, you're wrong!

I feel confident saying my daughter, whom I call The Girl, will eventually become a lawyer.

I know children of a certain age are supposed to question and push back against their parents. I get it. Flexing their little intellectual muscles. However, I believe a monster is in the making.

Here is an example of a conversation that happened just this weekend.

Me: You need to hurry up so you can come down and practice some of your verses for Awana tonight.
The Girl: We do not have Awana tonight.
Me: Sure you do.
The Girl: No Mom. They told us last week that we were off tonight because of Spring Break.
Me: Spring Break is in a week, you misunderstood, its next Sunday you are off.
The Girl: No Mom. It is this Sunday. I distinctly [she’s eight] remember them saying we had no Awana tonight.
Me: Look! Can you just trust that I am your mother and I know the schedule? You have Awana tonight.
The Girl: Fine.

Now you would think I would be pissed by this point and even more determined to prove her wrong. But no. I am now questioning (in my mind) whether she right. Am I wrong? Maybe they don’t have Awana tonight. Dang it!

She does this ALL the time. As she has gotten older, she has become even more convincing with her arguments. She believes with all of her little 8-year-old determination that she is right, and I am old and wrong.

How did this happen? It was just yesterday that The Girl was asking to snuggle in my lap and wanting me to tell her stories. Now. Well, now she is well, defiant. I hate saying it, but that is what it is. Call a cow a cow, right? Or whatever the saying is.

It really is driving me nuts. Again, not because she is so defiant but she pleads such a believable case. She almost has me thinking whatever she says is right and I am hallucinating.

Sounds like the perfect defense attorney to me.

I wonder…

:: Do you have any kids like this?

:: Have you figured out a magical way to deal with it without losing your mind? I’d love to know.


About the Writer

Christina has always dreamed of being a writer, and little did she know that in her late thirties she would get the chance. The more she wrote random thoughts and snapshots about life, the more she heard from complete strangers that they could relate to her writings. Basic observations about what was going on in her life resonated with so many. This is all she needed to hear and A Closet Writer was born!

She would love to connect! Follow her on Twitter, fan her on Facebook, and read her blog.

