Bwhahahaha. I am decidedly not on a retreat. Spiritual or otherwise.

But that would be a much better reason to go MIA from the blog for a week, right? In reality, I’m at home, doing normal home-stuff, life-stuff. And it’s becoming increasingly clear that my schedule is not within my control this week.

I realized last night that I need to free up some time somewhere, if for no other reason than to keep my brain safely secured inside my skull. Instead of splattered about the kitchen and whatnot.

Since the care and feeding of my family, and our myriad obligations outside this house this week, cannot be rescheduled or put off (Wouldn’t it be great if kids were like fish and could go several days without food? Fish can go several days without food, right? *taps on bowl* Dorie, Dorie? Why do you look so lethargic?)…

What was I saying?

Oh, yes, since I have certain tasks and obligations this week that are not flexible, I picked blogging as my place to cut back for a few days. I’ll be around sporadically to read blogs this week, but I may not comment or post anything until next week.

Or maybe I will. Who knows. Just thought I’d give you a heads up in case this space goes unattended for a few days.

Have a great week!
