Human kindness is overflowing, and I think it’s going to rain today. -Randy Newman

That song has rattled around in my head today.

It’s haunting.

Are we failing each other?

But people are good.

Aren’t we?

Well, what about the news out of Ohio today?

I’m brought to my knees by those images of loss, of desperation.

Unrelated, but in the same day, I saw a picture of returning solider, hugging her child, weeping.

Knees again.

People sacrifice, they give. They’re good.

Aren’t they?

I’m supposed to have faith.

But… so many people do unfathomably awful things. Is that necessary, in this business of free will and choosing of paths? Does the evil have to run so deep, so dark?

Knees again.


The truth is, my first inclination was to ignore the CNN alerts on my phone this morning. I’m not proud of this, but I was in no mood for bad news.

I didn’t sleep well last night, and while reading (in a failed attempt to make myself sleepy), I was overwhelmed by the pure, kind actions of a character in my book. It was only fiction, but still. This man, this character, he showed such compassion when compassion was not easy. I was in tears.

So I woke this morning after too little sleep, yet feeling buoyed by the amazing goodness of people. Feeling in awe of our capacity for kindness and empathy.

I didn’t want to think about the other side of things. Tragedy was not on my agenda today.

If only. If only things worked that way. If only we could Pollyanna our way through life.

But clearly, as the song goes on to say, a lot of people are lonely, so lonely, and – I’m paraphrasing here – feel like a tin can being kicked down the street.

How is it, I wonder, that if we are capable of so much, of actually overflowing with kindness if we choose, that yet another child is dead? Did the shooter ever receive kindness, or did it pass right over him?


Because it’s so lovely and sad, I wanted to include a video of Bette Midler singing I Think It’s Going to Rain Today, but I had embedding issues. If you’d like to hear it, click here.
