Triathlons and Stuff

Triathlons and Stuff

I have categories on the blog, because I’m like The Pioneer Woman. Some exceptions: I’m a mediocre cook, I don’t home school, I don’t live on a ranch, my photography is so-so at best. Oh, and I don’t have a TV show (why not, I wonder?)....
Will I Ever Get Used to This Body?

Will I Ever Get Used to This Body?

Whew. Spring Break is over and it’s back to real life. I am dragging this week, and I don’t know if it’s due to the return of our school schedule, or because of the time change last week, or if it’s merely laziness. I keep having dreams where I...
Fear and Failure

Fear and Failure

I bought a road bike. She’s* real pretty. I got shoes that clip in and a fancy saddle so my delicates won’t hurt. And now I guess I have to ride this bike. I know it’s ridiculous, but this bike scares me. The clips scare me, because I will fall over....
Age Inflicted Aches and Pains

Age Inflicted Aches and Pains

My birthday is this week. {I’ll pause while you whoop it up in my honor.} I’m closing in on 40, and as of this week have only two more years to be a 30-something. I know some of my readers are thinking so young! and others are thinking banana peel, grave!...
I Found the Fountain of Youth

I Found the Fountain of Youth

I am getting younger, and I have proof. Inscrutable proof. {It’s possible I don’t know what inscrutable means.} But you’ll have to head over to Lauren Nicole Jewelry and Gifts to read about it. I’m honored to be the first guest in Lauren...
Look What We Can Do

Look What We Can Do

If you’ve been hanging around here for any time, you’ve probably seen a quote or two from Sports Night, the greatest show ever. I have a Sports Night reference library in my head, and can call up a quote for almost any occasion. On Sunday, as I watched...