What a week! All good, all a blur. And as I say every week (I do, don’t I?), I’m glad it’s Wednesday. My guest today is Jackie, from With Just a Bit of Magic. Jackie is such a kind, supportive, funny blogging friend; I’m always glad to see her name pop up in my in-box, Twitter stream, etc. So I’m extra happy to to share her sweetly funny post about raising a boy after having three girls first. And I’m trying to decide just how honest I should be with her when I answer the I wonder… questions about life with boys!


Bets on how long he stays dry?

He went from a cute, cuddly baby that we all adored so much & was the center of our universe to this walking, talking, incredibly busy toddler who sometimes annoys his sisters so much that I wonder about his safety.

As a mom to 3 girls prior to having a little boy I had nothing to compare a boy to other than what I had heard from other people. What I did know was that the girls were a piece of cake…. or I’ve just blocked all the bad memories.

Regardless, the girls were simple. They played quietly alone or together and while they did get into things it was nothing compared to a boy. With the girls I was able to not worry when I went to the bathroom or left the room for a couple minutes.

You know that saying, ‘if they’re quiet you better check on them’? Well, that goes double for little boys… especially curious toddler boys.

This week these are a few of the highlights:

  • Playing in the toilet water after I put the blue cleaner in it.
  • Moving the chair to the counter so he can get a knife out of the block to help with dinner.
  • Waking up at 5am to sleep with me and then kicking me for 2 hours.
  • Peeing on my couch and then telling me he made a mess when he knows to use the potty.
  • And my all time favorite…. screaming at the top of his lungs for fun and then laughing about it. Even with my ears plugged it hurt and I think that people a mile down the road could hear him.

And just so you know… this was all with me in the same room as him! Who knows what he would do if I went to another room!

I wonder….

:: Am I the only one who thinks girls are easier?

:: Am I the only mom of a boy who gets confused by their actions?

:: Does the screaming stop?


About the Writer

Jackie writes over at With Just a Bit of Magic. You can find just about anything there from recipes, to pictures, to fiction. She is a wife and mom to 4 kids, and during the day she spends her time working as a product owner for a software development company and heading up social media at her husbands business. In the meantime, she dreams of new career in social media and freelance writing. You can follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Pinterest.
