
Just some past posts

Erma By The Numbers

Erma By The Numbers

At an obnoxious hour last Thursday morning I boarded a plane for the Erma Bombeck Writers' Workshop in Dayton, OH. I was confident that a good experience waited for me, but I had no idea. I'm not ready to snap out of the post-workshop after glow just yet. One day soon...

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Listen To Your Mother Austin

Listen To Your Mother Austin

It's Wednesday, so where's the guest post? Just when a pattern gets established, I'm switching it up. But only for this week. In honor of Spring Break here in Austin, I left this week off the guest post schedule. We will return to our regularly scheduled programming...

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The Single Life… On Kindle, That Is

The Single Life… On Kindle, That Is

My brain is ping-ponging this week. I have ideas, baby. And those ideas are running my life, even though I suspect it should be the other way around? Or should it? I do not know. You'll be thankful, I think, that I came to my senses and deleted most of this post...

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Boys and Books

Boys and Books

The boys: Karate stance, crazy leap/kick, hi-ya! We're injas! (Ninjas, that is.) Hey, you sit here, with your head down, and I'll jump over you! If we pull this table over here, and stack these bean bags over here, and put this tray on top, and put this bucket on our...

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Will You Still Love Me?

Will You Still Love Me?

If I never post again? (Is it presumptuous to assume you love me in the first place?) Now don't panic (again with the presumptions), I'm not quitting. But I have not had ample time in the last week to turn any thoughts into posts. I haven't had all that many thoughts,...

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My BlogHer Post, A Redux

My BlogHer Post, A Redux

I can't confirm this, but I may be spending some time in a location with high temperatures that are lower than Austin's low temperatures (did you follow that?). And I may have limited internet access. I'm not saying any of that's true, but if it were, I might run some...

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