More Important Victories

More Important Victories

Today is a good day on Wonder, Friend. I get to share one of my favorite writers, Julie C. Gardner, with you. Chances are, if you hang around the blogosphere, you already know Julie and her funny, thoughtful blog, By Any Other Name. But I know some of you have a life...


I’m not sure what happened. I went to sleep in 2006 and woke up in 2012 (or actually, I haven’t slept much at all since 2006, so perhaps that makes the question moot and explains my surprise at the passing of time?). My firstborn turned six this month....
Will I Ever Get Used to This Body?

Will I Ever Get Used to This Body?

Whew. Spring Break is over and it’s back to real life. I am dragging this week, and I don’t know if it’s due to the return of our school schedule, or because of the time change last week, or if it’s merely laziness. I keep having dreams where I...
Listen To Your Mother Austin

Listen To Your Mother Austin

It’s Wednesday, so where’s the guest post? Just when a pattern gets established, I’m switching it up. But only for this week. In honor of Spring Break here in Austin, I left this week off the guest post schedule. We will return to our regularly...
You’re Not the Boss of My Imagination

You’re Not the Boss of My Imagination

Last week Meemo came to live with us. I don’t actually know if that’s how you spell his name, but since Meemo is P.’s imaginary friend, and P. cannot spell, I’m making an educated guess. Meemo is, and I quote, “A very tiny tiger. He wears tiny...