An Update on My Piano Hat

An Update on My Piano Hat

The last week went a little like this: strep throat for one of my kids, strep throat for me (thanks, kid), cancer diagnosis for someone I love, a birthday for one of my kids, more fever for a kid. Did you catch that? A piano fell on our heads. It was not a simple...
An Update on My Piano Hat

My Hat is a Piano

The metaphorical piano has fallen on our heads this week. Even though our piano is not related to my children, I immediately thought of that post by my friend Amy, and how she compared her experience to a falling piano. Two weeks ago, I would have said about the same...
An Update on My Piano Hat

Early Bird Dinners Rock

I’m drinking a post-lunch cup of coffee and watching Murder She Wrote. Forget turning into my mother. I’ve skipped right on and have become my mother’s grandmother. Except I didn’t really skip, because that aggravates my trick hip. Truthfully –...