The last week went a little like this: strep throat for one of my kids, strep throat for me (thanks, kid), cancer diagnosis for someone I love, a birthday for one of my kids, more fever for a kid.

Did you catch that? A piano fell on our heads.

It was not a simple diagnosis (are they ever?), and the potential for bad news was huge. Looming. Hanging over our heads.

Surgery first. Then questions. And a whole lot of sleepless nights, foggy days, and anger at people and things that didn’t deserve our anger.

But also. Also a lot of laughter, albeit of a slightly nervous variety. And prayers. And hope. And again with the prayers. All this while keeping the day-to-day going.

And then? Well, call me a believer.

But first call me a doubter, a questioner. A dubious suspect-er of this life being futile.

And then it happened.

We got the best possible news. We got exactly what we asked for. Exactly what we were told was highly unlikely, extremely rare. It happened. I’m humbled. And a bit embarrassed at some of the nastier things I thought about God and life.

I know – believe me, I know because I’ve experienced it – that sometimes prayers are not answered in the way we want them be answered. Sometimes it feels like they weren’t answered at all. I’ve walked through hard times so bizarre and painful they seemed like fiction.


Not always.


Sometimes we get exactly what we ask for. We get the very best news. We get a gift we didn’t believe would come, even though we asked nicely. And not nicely. We asked over and over again, always with a question in the back of our minds.

This whole thing, our piano as it were, isn’t over-over. There are more decisions to be made, more information to gather. But we’re standing in a much nicer spot than we were in a week ago. The view from here? Pretty sweet.

And so I’m humbled. Grateful. Relieved.

And in need of a good night’s sleep. I think I just might get one of those tonight.

So you and I, we’ll chat next week.

Thanks to all of you who sent kind notes, prayers, and offers of help. You’re all my very favorites.
